【同义词辨析】 2017-12-20 灵巧dexterous-deft
dexterous: implies expertness with consequent ability or facility in manipulating: a ~ handling of situation.
adroit: implies dexterousness, but also stress resourcefulness, artfulness and inventiveness in coping with situation as they arise: a ~ host of a radio call-in show. 观众参与的节目
deft: emphasizes lightness, neatness and sureness in touch and handling: the ~ interweaving of the novel's several subplots.
dextrous灵巧: 专家般(擅长), 操作轻松(dexterous还表示右手), adroit机敏: 有机智(resourceful)有技巧会创造,deft明快:轻松利落把握(light,neat,sure)
2)灵巧的意思是动作或思维快速熟练mean ready and skilled in physical movement or sometimes mental activity.